References: 5. Outside India (Books)

Suggested reading list on Professions and Engineers

Updated 19th December 2011

Abbott, A. 1988. The System of Professions: An Essay on the Division of Expert Labor. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press.

Crawford P. 2009. Technical Workers in an Advanced Society. The Work, Careers and Politics of French Engineers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (1st ed. 1989).

Belhoste, B. 2007. From technical corps to technocratic power: French  state engineers and their professional and cultural universe in the first half of the 19th century. History and Technology, 23, 2007. 209-225. (on collaboration with Kostas Chatzis).

Behloste, B. 2003. La Formation d’une technocratie. L’École polytechnique et ses élèves de la Révolution au Second Empire. Paris: Belin.

Belhoste, B, Dahan Dalmenico, and A. Picon. 1994. La formation polytechnicienne 1794-1994. Paris: Dunod.

Ben Saïd, S., and Gobe, E. 2004. Les ingénieurs tunisiens: Dynamiques récentes d’un groupe professionnel. Paris: L’Harmattan.

Berner, B. 1996. Professional of Wage-Worker? Engineers and Economic transformations in Sweden. In Meiksins, P. and Smith, C. (eds.), Engineering Labour: Technical Workers in Comparative Perspective, 1168-1195. London: Verso.

Bouffartigue, P. and Gadea, C. 1997. Les ingénieurs français: Spécificités nationales et dynamiques récentes d’un groupe professionnel. Revue française de sociologie 38 (2): 301-326.

Boussard, V., Demazière D., Milburn, Ph. 2010. L’injonction au professionnalisme. Analyses d’une dynamique plurielle. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes.

Buchanan, R. A. 1989. The Engineers: A History of Engineering profession in Britain, 1750-1914. London: J. Kingsley Publishers.

Buchanan, R. A. 1983. Gentlemen Engineers: The Making of a Profession. Victorian Studies 26 (4): 407-429.

Canel, A., Oldenziel, R. and Zachamann, K. (eds.) 2004. Crossing Boundaries, Building Bridges: Comparing the History of Women Engineers, 1870s-1990s. Oxon, Routeldge.

Carr-Saunders, A. and Wilson, P. 1933. The Professions. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Champy, F. 2009. La sociologie des professions. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.

Cohen, Y. 2001. Organiser à l’aube du taylorisme. La pratique d’Ernest Mattern chez Peugeot, 1906-1919. Besançon : Presses universitaires franc-comptoises.

Crompton R. and Lefeuvre, N. 2003. Continuity and Change in the Gender Segregation of the Medical Profession in Britain and France. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 23 (4/5): 36-58.

Davies, C. 1996. The Sociology of Professions and the Profession of Gender. Sociology 30(4): 661–678.

Day, C. 1991. les Ecoles d’arts et métiers. L’enseignement technique en France, XIXe-XXe siècles. Paris: Belin.

Dhombres J. et Dhombres N. 1989. Naissance d’un pouvoir: science et savants en France (1791-1824). Paris: Payot.

Didier, C. 2008. Penser l’éthique des ingénieurs. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.

Didier, C. 2008. Les ingénieurs et l’éthique : pour un regard sociologique. Cachan: Hermès.

Dubar C., Tripier P., Boussard V. 2011. Sociologie des professions. Paris: Colin (4e édition).

Evetts, J. 1996. Gender and career in science and Engineering. London: Taylor & Francis.

Evetts, J. 2003. The Sociological Analysis of Professionalism: Occupational Change in the Modern World. International Sociology 18(2): 395–415.

Fayolle, A. 1999. L’ingénieur entrepreneur français: Contribution à la compréhension des comportements de création et reprise d’entreprises des ingénieurs diplômés. Paris: L’Harmattan.

Freidson E. 1988. Professional Powers. A Study of the Institutionalization of Formal Knowledge. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Freidson, E. 2001. Professionalism: The Third Logic. London: Polity.

Gadéa, C. and Demazière, D. 2009. La sociologie des groupes professionnels. Paris: La Découverte.

Grelon, A. 1986. Les ingénieurs de la crise: Titre et profession entre les deux guerres. Paris: Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales.

Grelon, A., Karvar, A., and Gourevitch, I. (dir) 2004. La formation des ingénieurs en perspectives: Modèles de références et réseaux de médiations 18e-20e siècles. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes.

Gispen, K. 1989. New profession, old order: Engineers and German society 1815-1914. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Gobe, E. 2004. L’ingénieur moderne au Maghreb. Paris: Maisonneuve et Larose.

Hanlon, G. 1998. Professionalism as Enterprise: Service Class Politics and the Redefinition of Professionalism. Sociology 32 (1): 43–63.

Henry, O. 2012 (forthcoming). Les guérisseurs de l’économie. Sociogenèse du métier de consultant (1900-1950). Paris: CNRS Editions.

Henry, O. 2012 (forthcoming).  Aux frontières du public et du privé: experts et consultants. Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales. mars, in collaboration with Frédéric Pierru.

Homs, O. 1991. L’évolution de la fonction technique dans les industries espagnoles: La situation des ingénieurs dans les années 1980. Sociétés contemporaines 6: 81-92.

Hughes, E.C. 1961. Ethnocentric Sociology. Social Forces 40 (1): 1-4.

Hughes, E.C. 1963. The Professions. Daedalus 92 (4): 655-668.

Jacomy, B. 1984. A la recherche de sa mission, la Société des Ingénieurs civils. Culture technique, Les ingénieurs 12: 209-219.

Khelfaoui, H. 2000. Les ingénieurs dans le système éducatif: L’aventure des instituts technologiques algériens. Paris: Publisud.

Lintsen, H. 1980. Ingenieurs in Nederlands in de 19e eeuw: Een streven naar erkenning en macht. Ph.D. Thesis. The Hague.

Longuenesse, E. 2007. Professions et société au Proche-Orient. Déclin des élites, crise des classes moyennes. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes.

Malatesta, M. 1996. I profissionisti. Turin: Einaudi.

Marry, C. 2004. Les femmes ingénieurs: Une révolution respectueuse. Paris: Belin.

Martykánová, D. 2009. Les fils du progrès et de la civilisation: les ingénieurs des travaux publics en Espagne aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Quaderns d’historia de l’enginyeria X: 251-270.

Martykánová, D. 2010. Reconstructing Ottoman Engineers: Archaeology of a Profession (1789-1914). Pisa: Edizioni Plus – Pisa University Press.

McCormick, K. 2000. Engineers in Japan and Britain: Education, Training and Employment. London and New York: Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies.

Meiksins, P. and Smith, C. (dirs.).1996. Engineering Labour: Technical Workers in Comparative Perspective. London: Verso.

Minesso, M. 1995. The engineering profession: 1802-1923. In Malatesta, M. (ed.) Society and the Professions in Italy 1860-1914, 175-220. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Panaia, M. 2006. Trayectorias de ingenieros tecnológicos: Graduados y alumnos en el mercado de trabajo. Buenos Aires: Mino y Davila.

Perruci, R. and Gerstl, J. E. (eds.) 1969. The engineers and the social system. New York: Wiley.

Picon, A. 1992. L’invention de l’ingénieur moderne: L’Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées 1747-1851. Paris: Presses de l’Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées.

Rae, John B. 1975. Engineers are people. Technology and Culture 16 (3): 404-418.

Ribeill, G. 2011. L’accouchement laborieux d’une institution d’origine centralienne: la Société des Ingénieurs civils de France (1848). Centraliens 607: 44-48.

Rodrigues, M.L. 1999. Os Engenheiros em Portugal. Profissionalizaçao e protagonismo. Oeieras: Celta.

Shinn, T. 1980. Savoir scientifique et pouvoir social. L’École polytechnique 1794-1914. Paris: Presses de la fondation de sciences politiques.

Thépot, A. 1998. Les ingénieurs des Mines du XIXe siècle: Histoire d’un corps technique d’Etat 1810-1914. Paris: Editions Eska.

Vérin H. 1993. La gloire des ingénieurs. L’intelligence technique du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle. Paris: Albin Michel.

Weiss J.H. 1982. The Making of Technological Man. The Social Origins of French Engineering Education. Cambridge et Londres: The MIT Press.

Whalley, P. 1986. The Social Production of Technical Work: The case of British Engineers. Albany: State University of New York Press.

Zussman, R. 1985. Mechanics of the Middle Class: Work and politics among American Engineers. Los Angeles: University of California.


References: 4. Thesis

Updated 19th December 2011


Online Union Catalogue of Indian Universities: (IC)

Vidyanidhi. E-Scholarship Portal and Digital Library: (VN)

Since 2010

Caru, Vanessa. Le logement des travailleurs et la question sociale. Bombay (1850-1950). Université Paris-Diderot Université Paris-VII. Paris. 2010.


Chhabra, Deepak. 2003. Factors Related to Human Resources Management Effectiveness in Indian Engineering Management. Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi. Department of Humanities and Social Sciences. Guide: Sharma, Anuradha. (IC)

Coelho, K. 2004. Of Engineers, Rationalities and Rule: Ethnography of Neoliberal Reform in an Urban Water Utility in South India. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis. University of Arizona, Tuscson, USA.

Kamala Devi, A. 2005. Women Engineers in Andhra Pradesh: A Socio Economic study of Employed and Unemployed Women Engineers. Andhra University, Waltair. Sociology. (VN)

Khandekar, Aalok. 2010. Engineering the Global Indian: Skills, Cosmopolitanism, and Families in Circuits of High-Tech Migrations between India and the United States. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, New York.

Mohitkar, Vinod Mahadeorao. 2007. Development of Quality Assurance Mechanism for Engineering Education System. Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University. Department of Civil Engineering. Guide: Nagarnaik, P. B. and Wakde, G. (IC)

Mukharjee, Manjeer. 2009. Engineering Family Values: Assisted Reproductive Technologies and their Impact on Kinship Relations in West Bengal. Centre for the Social Systems. Jawaharlal Nehru University. Guide: Gupta, Dipankumar. (IC)

Nair, Sreelekha. 2004. Education and Work: A Study of Women Engineers in Kerala. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Zakir Hussain Centre for Educational Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. (VN)

Palani, Natha Raja M. 2008. Measurement of Service Quality in Engineering Education and Healthcare. Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. Department of Mechanical Engineering. Guide: Wadhwa, S. and Deshmukh, S. G. (IC)

Phalkey, J. 2007. Science, State-Formation and Development: The Organization of Nuclear research in India 1938-1959. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta (USA).

Ramnath, A. 2007. Breaking Free: Technical Education Policy in India Immediately before and After Independence. Unpublished M.Phil. Thesis, Oxford University.

Ravindran, T. 2005. English for Engineers: An Alternative Syllabus for Engineering Colleges in Tamil Nadu. Anna University, Chennai. Education. (VN)

Sakthivel, P B. 2006. Total Quality Management Implementation in Higher Engineering Education: An Empirical Study Relating to India. Anna University. Department of Management. Guide: Raju, R. (IC)

Shandil, Ram Krishna. 2003. Reengineering Management Education in India. Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla. Department of Management. (IC)


Arun Kumar. 1991. Engineering Education and Public Works Department, 1906-1947. University of Delhi. Department of History. Guide: Basu, Aparana. (IC)

Gautam, Aditya. 1999. Cost-effectiveness of Continuing Engineering Education in India: A Case of Roorkee University. University of Roorkee. Department of Humanities and Social Sciences. (IC)

Gondalia, Dhirajlal Vaghjibhai. 1992. A Study of the Impact of Self-Awareness upon the Job-Satisfaction among the Engineers of Gujarat. Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar. Psychology. (VN)

Gourishanakar, A D. 1995. Study of the Relationship between Social Class Educational Achievement and Access to Educational Opportunity with Special Reference to Medical and Engineering Education in Karnataka State. Bangalore University. Department of Education. (IC)

Muthuchidambaran, S. 1990. Professional Women: A Comparative Study of Women Doctors and Engineers. Mother Teresa Women’s University, Kodaikanal. Sociology. (VN)

Sanghi, Seema            . 1993. Effect of Need Pattern and Job Values upon Job Satisfaction and Personal Adjustment of Public and Private Sector Engineers. University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. Management Studies. (VN)


Arora, Ramesh Kanta. 1980. Investigation into the Problems of Medicine, Law, Engineering and Education in Relation to Personality Factors. Aligarh Muslim University. Department of Education. Guide: Zaidi, Sajida. (IC)

Gadgil, A V. 1986. Education and Industrial Productivity: A Case Study of Workers and Supervisors Employed in the Engineering Industry in Pune Metropolitan Region. University of Pune. Department of Economics. Guide: Pinto, Silvester. (IC)

Indira, R. 1982. Sociological Study of Engineering Education. University of Mysore. Department of Sociology. Guide: Parvathamma, C. (IC)

Jaiswal, Rajendra Prasad. 1989. Professional Status of Women: A Comparative Study of Women and Men Scientists and Engineers. Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Education. (VN)

Jakatdar, Vidula Sharad. 1982. Scientists and Engineers in Indian industry: A Sociological Study of Professionals in Industrial Organizations. University of Pune. Department of Sociology. Ph.D Thesis. (IC)

Karunes, Sabita. 1984. Factors Related to Professional Productivity: A Study of Scientists and Engineers in Indian Institutes of Technology. Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi. Management Studies. (VN)

Sharma, Hemant Lata            . 1987. Comparative Study of Engineers and Civil Services Personnel Belonging to Different Socio-Economic Status in Relation to their Interest and Creativity. Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra. Education. (VN)


Bajpai, Devi Prasad. 1978. Social Alienation in Professional Ethics: A Sociological Study of Alienation among Teachers, Lawyers, Doctors and Engineers in the City of Lucknow. Agra University, Agra. (VN)

Eisemon, T. O. 1973. The Impact of American Educational Assistance: A Study of the Professional Activities and Outlooks of Indian Engineering Faculty. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Wisconsin.

Pandey, S. V. 1978. Status, Power and Career Mobility among Civil Servants, Engineers and Doctors: A Comparative Study. University of Lucknow, Lucknow. Sociology. (VN)

Sebaly, K. P. 1972. The Assistance of Four Nations in the Establishment of the Indian Institutes of Technology, 1945-1970. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan, Comparative Education Dissertation Series.

Shanthamani, V S. 1971. A Socio-Psychological Study of Unemployed Engineers and Diplomats. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Engineering. (VN)


Misra, Hemkanta. 1962. Personality Factors in High and Low Achievers in Engineering Education. Kharagpur. Indian Institute of Technology. Department of Education. (IC)


Mubashir Hasan. 1954. On the General Education of an Engineer. Aligarh Muslim University. Department of Civil Engineering. Guide: Dawson, F. M. and Moehlman, A. H. (IC)



References: 3. Reports

Updated 19th December 2011


Banerjee, R. and Muley, V. P. 2008. Engineering Education in India. Department of Energy Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.

Mukhopadhyay, C. 2001. The Cultural Context of Gendered Science: the Case of India. Report of a study funded by the National Science Foundation, USA.

Upadhya, C. and Vasanthi, A. R. 2006. Work, Culture and Sociality in the Indian Information Technology (IT) Industry: A Sociological Study. Final Report submitted to Indo-Dutch Programme for Alternatives in Development.


AICTE. 1994. Report of the High Power Committee for Mobilisation of Additional Resource for Technical Education, February. New Delhi: Ministry Of Human Resource Development.

AICTE. 1999. Technical Education in Independent India 1947-1997. A Compendium to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Independence. New Delhi: All India Council for Technical Education.

MHRD. 1995. Report of The I.I.T. Synergy Sub-Group, November, Compilation on 50 years of Indian Education: 1947-1997. New Delhi: Ministry Of Human Resource Development.


MHRD. 1986. Recommendations, IIT Review Committee. Delhi: Ministry Of Human Resource Development.

MHRD. 1986. Report, IIT Review Committee. New Delhi: Ministry Of Human Resource Development.


References: 2. Articles & Papers

Updated 19th December 2011

Since 2010

Bassett, R. 2009. MIT-Trained Swadeshis: MIT and Indian Nationalism, 1880-1947. Osiris 24: 212–230.

Black, J. 2009. The Military Influence of Engineering Education in Britain and India, 1848-1906. Indian Economic and Social History Review 46: 211-239.

Gupta, R., Garg, T. K., Gupta, S. and Goel, A. 2010. Quality Improvement Schemes in Indian Engineering Education. International Journal of Information Technology and Knowledge Management 2(2): 365-367.

Khandekar, Aalok. 2011 Engineering subjectivities: Global Indianness and the making of Indian engineers. Paper read at the Colloque Un ingénieur, des ingénieurs, Paris, Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, 6-7 October.

Kumar, A. 2010. Thomason College of Engineering, Roorkee, 1847-1947. In Das Gupta, U. and Chattopadhyaya, D.P. (eds.), Science and Modern India: An Institutional History, 1784-1947, Vol. 15, 451-471. Delhi: Pearson.

Lardinois, R. 2011 L’espace social des écoles d’ingénieurs en Inde. Entre l’Etat et le marché. Paper read at the Colloque Un ingénieur, des ingénieurs, Paris, Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, 6-7 October.

Lourdusamy, J. B. 2010. College of Engineering, Guindy, 1794–1947. In Das Gupta, U. and Chattopadhyaya, D.P. (eds.), Science and Modern India: An Institutional History, 1784-1947, Vol. 15, 429-450. Delhi: Pearson.

Malish, C. M. and Ilavarasam, P. V. 2010. Exploring the Professional Status of Software Work in India, IEEE Technology and society Magazine in India, Winter.

Ramnath, A. 2010.  A New Institution for Engineers: Change and Continuity in the Profession in India 1900-1935. Communication presented at the 4th European South Asia Ph.D. Workshop 27th/28th August, Heidelberg.

Varma, R. and Kapur, D. 2010. Access, Satisfaction, and Future: Undergraduate Education at the Indian Institutes of Technology. Higher Education 59: 703-717.


Anderson, R.S. 2001. Empire’s Setting Sun? Patrick Blackett and Military and Scientific Development of India. Economic and Political Weekly 36 (39): 3703-3705+3707-3720.

Barik, R. K. 2004. Social Background of Civil Service: Some Depressing Trends. Economic and Political Weekly 39 (7): 625-628.

Bassett, R. 2009. Aligning India in the Cold War Era: Indian Technical Elites, the Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur, and Computing in India and the United States. Technology and Culture 50: 783-810.

Coehlo, K. 2005. Unstating ‘the public’: an Ethnography of Reform in an Urban Public Sector Utility in South India. In David, M. & David, L. (eds.), Anthropology Upstream: The Ethnography of Aid Donors and Neoliberal Reform, 171-195. London: Pluto Press.

Coelho, K. 2006. Tapping In: Leaky Sovereignties and Engineered (Dis)Order in an Urban Water System. In Monica, N. et al (eds.), SARAI READER 06: Turbulence, 497-509. Delhi: Centre for the Study of Developing Societies.

Deshpande, J. V. 2000. AICTE as Politicians’ Handmaiden. Economic and Political Weekly 35 (49): 4307-4308.

Deshpande, J. V. 2000. Education: Teaching Is the Last Priority. Economic and Political Weekly 35 (37): 3291-3292.

Deshpande, J. V. 2000. Education as Business. Economic and Political Weekly 35 (28/29): 2506-2508.

Gupta R. and Singh, J.V. 2001. McKinsey’s Managing Director Rajat Gupta on Leading a Knowledge-Based Global Consulting Organization. The Academy of Management Executive (1993-2005) 15 (2) Positioning Organizations and People for Competitive Advantage: 34-44.

Ilavrasam, P. V. 2008. Software Work in India: A Labour Process View. In Upadhya, C. and Vasavi, A. R. (eds.), In an Outpost of the Global Economy: Work and Workers in India’s Information Technology Industry, 162-189. New Delhi: Routledge Talylor & Francis Group.

Jodhka, S. S. 2001. Minority Status for Sikhs in Punjab: What Does It Mean? Economic and Political Weekly 36 (18): 1498-1499.

Khadria, B. and Leclerc, E. 2006. Exode des emplois contre exode des cerveaux, les deux faces d’une même pièce? Autrepart, Revue des sciences sociales au sud 37: 47-51. Special issue on La Migration des Emplois Vers le Sud. France: IRD Editions.

Leslie, S. and R. Kargon (2006). Exporting MIT: Science, technology, and nation building in India and Iran. Orisis 21: 110-130.

Natarajan, R. 2002. Emerging Trends in Engineering Education -Indian Perspectives. Proceedings of 16th Australian International Education Conference 30 September4 October. Hobart.

Pandian, M. S. S. 2000. Myth of Creamy Layer. Economic and Political Weekly 35 (17): 1417.

Parthasarathy, B. 2006. The Political Economy of the Indian Software Industry. In Govindan Parayil (ed.). Political Economy in Information Capitalism in India. Digital Divide, Development and Equity. New York: Palmgrave macmillan. 153-173.

Parthasarathy, B. 2004. Globalizing Information Technology: The Domestic Policy Context for India’s Software Production and Exports. Iterations. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Software History (online) 3: 1-38.

Prasad, S. 2001. Gandhi’s Views on Science. Economic and Political Weekly 36 (48): 4434.

Prasad, S. 2001. Towards an Understanding of Gandhi’s Views on Science. Economic and Political Weekly 36 (39): 3721-3732.

Radhakrishnan, S. 2006. “Global Indians” and the Knowledge Economy: Gender and the Making of a Middle-Class Nation. Sociology. Berkeley, CA, University of California, Berkeley. Doctor of Philosophy: 237.

Radhakrishnan, S. 2008. Examining the ‘Global’ Indian middle class: Gender and culture in the Silicon Valley/Bangalore circuit. Journal of Intercultural Studies 29(1): 7- 20.

Raina, D. 2001. Visvesvaraya as Engineer-Sociologist and the Evolution of his Techno-Economic Vision. National Institute of Advanced Studies: Bangalore.

Rajendran, V. 2000. Reservation Policy. Economic and Political Weekly 35 (26): 2194+2344.

Saxenian, A. (2005). From Brain Drain to Brain Circulation: Transnational communities and regional upgrading in India and China. Studies in Comparative International Development 40(2): 35-61.

Sharma, S. 2005. Commercialisation of Higher Education in India. Social Scientist 33 (9/10): 65-74.

Tilak, J. B. G. 2005. Are We Marching towards Laissez-faireism in Higher Education Development? Journal of International Cooperation in Education 8 (1): 153-165.

Tilak, J. B. G. 2008. Transition from Higher Education as a Public Good to Higher Education as a Private Good: The Saga of Indian Experience. Journal of Asian Public Policy 1 (2): 220‐234.

Upadhya, C. 2006. The Global Indian Software Labour Force: IT Professionals in Europe. Indo-Dutch Programme for Alternatives in Development. Working Paper Series 1.

Varma, R. and Varma D. R. 2009. The Making of Indian Entrepreneurs in the US. Economic and Political Weekly, 44 (3): 64-69.

Varma, R. and Kapur, D. 2009. Access, satisfaction, and future: undergraduate education at the Indian Institutes of Technology. Higher Education 59, 6: 703-717.

Varma, R. 2008. Challenges to Diversity: A Case Study of Indian Scientists and Engineers. In Mannar I. Srinivasan (ed.) Communicating in a World of Diversity. Hyderabad, India: ICFAI University Press: 174-187 (Reprinted with permission from the American Society for Engineering Education).

Varma R., Prasad, A. and Deepak Kapur, D. 2006. Confronting ‘Socialization’ Barrier: Cross-Ethnic Differences in Undergraduate Women’s Preference for IT Education. In Joanne McGrath Cohoon and William Aspray (eds.) Women and Information Technology: Research on Underrepresentation. Cambridge: MIT Press. 301-323.

Varma, R. 2007. Changing Borders and Realities: Emigration of Indian Scientists and Engineers to the United States. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, 6: 539-556.

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Varma, R. 2000. Technology and Ethics for Engineering Students. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, 20 (3): 217-224.

Varshney, L. R. 2006. Private Engineering Education in India: Market Failures and Regulatory Solutions. Science, Technology, and Public Policy: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. November 29.

Visvanathan, S. 2001. Democracy, Governance and Science: Strange Case of the Missing Discipline. Economic and Political Weekly, 36 (39): 3684-3688.

Viswanadhan, K. G. 2008. Status of Undergraduate Engineering Education in India: An Analysis of Accredited Engineering Programmes. International Education Studies 1 (3): 99-107.


Ambirajan, S. 1995. Science and Technology Education in South India. In Macleod R. et Kumar D. (eds.), Technology and the Raj: Western Technology and Technical Transfers to India 1700-1947, 112-133. Delhi: Sage.

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Chitnis, S. 1993. Gearing a Colonial System of Education to Take Independent India towards Development. Higher Education 26 (1) Perspectives on Higher Education in India: 21-41.

Cuddy, B. P. and Mansell, T. 1994. Engineers for India: The Royal Indian Engineering College at Cooper’s Hill. History of Education Journal 23 (1): 107-123.

Deshpande, J. V. 1998. Seven Cannot Equal Eight. Economic and Political Weekly 33 (42/43): 2702.

Guha, S. 1998. From Dias to Doctors: The Medicalisation of Childbirth in Colonial India. In Lingam, L. (ed.) Understanding Women’s Health Issues: A Reader, 228-243. New Delhi: Kali.

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Lakha, S. 1994. The New International Division of Labour and the Indian Computer Software Industry. Modern Asian Studies 28 (2): 381-408.

Mathew, E. T. 1990. Financing College Education in the Private Sector in Kerala. Economic and Political Weekly 25 (17): 943+945-954.

Muraleedharan, V. R. 1992. Professionalizing Medical Practice in Colonial South India. Economic and Political Weekly 27 (4): 27-37.

Parsons, L. B. 1996. Engineering in Context: Engineering in Developing Countries. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice 122(4): 170-176.

Pinto, A. 1994. Politics of Capitation Colleges. Economic and Political Weekly 29 (1/2): 31-33.

Raina, D. and Habib I. S. 1991. Technical Institutes in Colonial India Kala Bhavan, Baroda (1890-1990). Economic and Political Weekly 26 (46): 2619-2621+2623-2624.

Raina, D. and Habib, I. 1992. Technical Content and Social Context: Locating Technical Institutes. The First Two Decades in the History of the Kala Bhawan, Baroda (1890-1910). In Petitjean et al. (eds.), Science and Empire, 121-136. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publications.

Shatrugna, M. 1992. Decks Cleared for Capitation Fee Colleges. Economic and Political Weekly 27 (22): 1118-1119.

Singh, A. 1995. The IITs Yesterday and Tomorrow. Economic and Political Weekly 30 (38): 2389-2394.

Sinha, J. N. 1995. Technology for National Reconstruction: The National Planning Committee, 1938-49. In Macleod, R. And  Kumar D. (eds), Technology and the Raj: Western Technology and Technical Transfers to India 1700-1947, 250-264. Delhi: Sage.

Tilak, J. B. G. 1994. The Pests Are Here to Stay: Capitation Fee in Disguise. Economic and Political Weekly 29 (7): 348-350.

Wagner, C. H. 1999. Coming to America: The Journey of an Immigrant Scholar. The College Mathematics Journal 30 (1): 2-17.


Buchanan, R. A. 1985. The Rise of Scientific Engineering in Britain. The British Journal for the History of Science 18 (2): 218-233.

Buchanan, R. A. 1986. The Diaspora of British Engineering. Technology and Culture 27 (3): 501-524.

Deshpande, J. V. 1983. Engineering Education: Wholesale Adulteration. Economic and Political Weekly 18 (35): 1512-1514.

Mehta, M. 1985. Institution Building in Princely India: A Case Study of the Polytechnic Institute, Baroda, 1890-1896. In Proceedings of the 45th session of the Indian History Congress, 669-677. Aligarh: Gopal Printers.

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